Miss J, who accompanied HM to America 1834–36
The first article ever on Miss J, who accompanied HM to America 1834--36, appeared in Notes&Queries in September 2018 and was written by G. Peter Winnington (University of Lausanne) -…
The first article ever on Miss J, who accompanied HM to America 1834--36, appeared in Notes&Queries in September 2018 and was written by G. Peter Winnington (University of Lausanne) -…
Please click here for a short article on Harriet Martineau by new member Ellie Smolenaars, which appeared in September, 2018, in the print edition of the Dutch Sociologie Magazine. We hope it is of interest…
Click here for updated subject index for Martineau Society newsletters 1-41. Thanks to Valerie Sanders for all your hard work in completing the update, and to Alan Middleton and Sophia…
Annual Conference 2018 - London Venue: Dr Williams’s Library (click here for pic) , 14 Gordon Square, Bloomsbury, London WC1H 0AR http://www.dwl.ac.uk Dates: Tuesday July 24th – Friday July 27th,…
Please Note: THE NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Emily Bronte: A Celebration Celebrate the bicentenary of Emily Bronte’s birth with a reading of her poetry in front of her portrait. Valerie Doulton…
Sir Francis Ronalds' second sister Mary Anne (1794-1882) married one of his old schoolmates, Peter Martineau (1785-1869). Peter was the son of Peter Finch Martineau. His first cousins included Harriet…
We're delighted to announce the publication in paperback by Gardners Books of Stuart Hobday's new book Encounters with Harriet Martineau (to see cover, click here). It can be ordered from all…
A new collection on Harriet Martineau entitled Harriet Martineau and the Birth of the Disciplines and edited by two Martineau Society members, Valerie Sanders and Gaby Weiner, was published by Routledge in 2016. Many of…
David Hamilton We couldn't initially find the conference hotel in Hull since it has repeatedly changed its identity. Known locally as the 'Station' Hotel, it was part of the Mercure…
Despite always having lived on Merseyside, I’m embarrassed to admit that I only visited Sudley House in South Liverpool, for the first time this year. Sudley House and its picture…