Please let us know of new articles, books or other forms of publication or any that we have missed. Send details to the website administrator, Gaby Weiner
Arbuckle, Elisabeth Sanders. ed. Harriet Martineau’s Letters to Fanny Wedgwood. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1983).
Arbuckle, Elisabeth Sanders. ed. Harriet Martineau in the London “Daily News”. Selected contributions, 1852 – 1866. (New York and London : Garland Publishing, 1994).
Conway, Brian and Michael R. Hill. “Harriet Martineau and Ireland.” Pp. 47-66 in Social Thought on Ireland in the Nineteenth Century, edited by Séamas Ó Síocháin. Dublin (Ireland): University College Dublin Press, 2009. Available gratis online:
Crawford, Iain. “Harriet Martineau, White Women, and Slavery in the Antebellum South.” Nineteenth-Century Prose 47:2 (2020): 89-116.
Crawford, Iain. Contested Liberalisms: Martineau, Dickens and the Victorian Press (Edinburgh University Press, 2020)
Crawford, Iain. “Harriet Martineau: Women and the World of Journalism in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Britain.” In Journalism and the Periodical Press in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Ed. Joanne Shattock. Cambridge UP, 2017: 317-27.
Crawford, Iain. “Harriet Martineau: Travel and the Writer.” In Harriet Martineau and the Birth of Disciplines. Ed. Valerie Sanders and Gaby Weiner. Farnborough: Ashgate P, 2016: 171-86.
Crawford, Iain. “Massachusetts and America: Dickens, Martineau, and the Republic They Came to See.” In Dickens and Massachusetts: The Lasting Legacy of the Commonwealth Visits. Ed. Diana C. Archibald and Joel J. Brattin. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 2015: 179-96.
Crawford, Iain. “Harriet Martineau, Charles Dickens, and the Rise of the Victorian Woman of Letters.” Nineteenth-Century Literature 68:4 (2014): 449-83.
Fielding, Ken J. and Smith, Anne , “Hard Times and the Factory Controversy: Dickens versus Harriet Martineau.” Nineteenth-Century Fiction 24:4 (1970), 404-27.
Hill, Michael R. ed. How to Observe Morals and Manners, by Harriet Martineau. Sesquicentennial edition of the first social science methods text, with new appendices, index, and an introduction by Michael R. Hill. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1989. (Currently offered on demand as an ebook from Routledge). Includes: “Empiricism and Reason in Harriet Martineau’s Sociology,” by Michael R. Hill, pp. xv-lx. Available gratis online:
Hill, Michael R. “Harriet Martineau.” Pp. 289-297 in Women in Sociology: A Bio- Bibliographical Sourcebook, edited by Mary Jo Deegan. New York: Greenwood Press, 1991. Available gratis online:
Hill, Michael R., contributor. Selected quotations from Harriet Martineau. P. 152 in Social Science Quotations, edited by David L. Sills and Robert K. Merton. (International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Volume 19). New York: Macmillan, 1991. Available gratis online:
Hill, Michael R. “Under Close Scrutiny” (Letter concerning Harriet Martineau’s investigations of prison conditions in nineteenth-century Pennsylvania). New York Times (Sunday, October 18, 1992, Section 2): 4.
Hill, Michael R. “Martineau in Current Introductory Textbooks: An Empirical Survey.” The Harriet Martineau Sociological Society Newsletter, No. 4 (Spring, 1998): 4-5. Available gratis online:
Hill, Michael R. and Susan Hoecker-Drysdale, eds. Harriet Martineau: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives. (Women and Sociological Theory Series, Vol. 3). New York: Routledge, 2001. Includes: “Taking Harriet Martineau Seriously in the Classroom and Beyond,” by Michael R. Hill and Susan Hoecker-Drysdale, pp. 3-22.
Available gratis online: Includes: “A Methodological Comparison of Harriet Martineau’s Society in America (1837) and Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (1835–1840),” by Michael R. Hill, pp. 59-74. Available gratis online: Includes: “Martineauian Sociology and Our Disciplinary Future,” by Michael R. Hill, pp. 191-193. Available gratis Online:
Hill, Michael R., ed. 2004. An Independent Woman’s Lake District Writings, by Harriet Martineau, edited with an introduction by Michael R. Hill. (Classics in Women’s Studies series). Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, an imprint of Prometheus Books, 2004. The introduction is available gratis online:
Hill, Michael R. “Harriet Martineau’s Ambleside as a Sociological Laboratory.” Sociological Origins 3 (Number 2, 2005): 93-94. Available gratis online:
Hill, Michael R. 2005. “On Edward Lombe, Translating Auguste Comte, and the Liberal English Press: A Previously Unpublished Letter by Harriet Martineau.” Sociological Origins 3 (Number 2, 2005): 100-102.
Hill, Michael R. “Bibliography: Harriet Martineau’s Writings on Ireland.” Sociological Origins 5 (Fall, 2006): 51-53.
Hill, Michael R. “Harriet Martineau: The Founding and Re-Founding of Sociology.” Pp. 69-83 in Harriet Martineau and the Birth of Disciplines: Nineteenth-Century Intellectual Powerhouse, edited by Valerie Sanders and Gaby Weiner. London (UK): Routledge. 2017.
Hobday, Stuart and Weiner, Gaby. Reintroducing Harriet Martineau: Pioneering Sociologist and Activist. (Abingdon, Oxford: Routledge 2024)
Hoecker-Drysdale, Susan. Harriet Martineau: The First Woman Sociologist. (Oxford: Berg, 1992).
Keller, Carol. Pundit and Pulpit: Teaching the Victorians – Harriet and James Martineau. Doctoral thesis. (2001). Deals with sister and brother relationship.
Lai, Shu-Fang. “Harriet Martineau’s Early Tales for the Young.” Victorians: A Journal of Culture and Literature No. 143 (Summer 2023): 40-51.
Lai, Shu-Fang. Charles Reade, George Meredith and Harriet Martineau as Serial Writers of Once a Week (1859-1865). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2008.
Lai, Shu-Fang. “Harriet Martineau’s Sickroom Narrative.” Victorians: A Journal of Culture and Literatureno. 125 (2014): 101-22.
Lai, Shu-Fang. “‘Like a downcast angel’: Harriet Martineau’s ‘Historiette’of Mary, Queen of Scots.” Scottish Literary Review 4 (2012): 93-110.
Logan, Deborah A. The Hour and the Woman: Harriet Martineau’s “Somewhat Remarkable” Life. (Northern IllinoisUniversity Press, 2002).
Logan, Deborah A., ed. Writings on Slavery and the American Civil War. Harriet Martineau. (Northern IllinoisUniversity Press, 2002).
Logan, Deborah A., ed. Harriet Martineau’s Writing on the British Empire, 5 vols. (Pickering & Chatto, 2004).
Logan, Deborah A. Harriet Martineau’s History of England and Military Reform, 6 vols. (2005, Pickering & Chatto).
Logan, Deborah A. Harriet Martineau’s Illustrations of Political Economy. Selected Tales. (Ontario: Broadview Press, 2004).
Logan, Deborah A., ed. The Collected Letters of Harriet Martineau, 5 vols., (Pickering & Chatto, 2007).
Logan, Deborah A. Victorian Imperialism, and the Civilizing Mission. (Ashgate Publishing, 2010).
Logan, Deborah A., Editor, Memorials of Harriet Martineau by Maria Weston Chapman. Lehigh UP, 2015.
Logan, Deborah A., Editor, Harriet Martineau & the Irish Question: Post-famine Reconstruction. Lehigh UP, 2012.
Logan, Deborah A., Editor, Harriet Martineau. Further Letters. Lehigh UP, 2011. Recommended by Choice.
Orazem, Claudia. Political Economy and Fiction in the Early Works of Harriet Martineau. (Frankfurt/M: Peter Lang, 1999)
Rees, Joan. Writings on the Nile – Harriet Martineau, Florence Nightingale, Amelia Edwards (Rubican Press, 1995)
Sanders, Valerie. ‘Chapter 4: ‘Patterns of Industry: Harriet Martineau’s Illustrated Masculinities’ in John Gardner (ed.) Nineteenth Century Literature in Transition, Cambridge University Press, 2024
Sanders, Valerie, ed. Harriet Martineau’s Deerbrook , with new introduction and notes. (London: Penguin Classics, 2004)
Sanders, Valerie, ed. Harriet Martineau. Selected Letters. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990).
Sanders, Valerie. Reason over Passion: Harriet Martineau and the Victorian Novel. (Sussex: Harvester Press, 1986).
Sanders, Valerie and Weiner, Gaby, eds. Harriet Martineau and the Birth of the Disciplines. Nineteenth-century intellectual powerhouse. (Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2017)
Scholl, Lesa. Translation, Authorship and the Victorian Professional Woman. Charlotte Brontë, Harriet Martineau and George Eliot. (Farnham, Surrey, Ashgate, 2011).
Smolenaars, Ellie. Diversity and classic sociologists: Theorising the concept of the Traveller by Harriet Martineau. Journal of Classical Sociology, 0(0). Online first 2023.
Smolenaars, Ellie. “Ken Je Klassiekers in de Sociale Wetenschappen: Harriet Martineau.” Tijdschrift Sociologie 3 (May, 2022):174–86.
Stone, Alison. ‘Martineau, Cobbe and Teleological Progressivism’, in British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (6) 2021
Stone, Alison. Women Philosophers in Nineteenth-Century Britain (OUP, 2023)
Stone, Alison. Women on Philosophy of Art: Britain 1770-1900 (OUP, 2024)
Todd, Barbara. Harriet Martineau at Ambleside. (Carlisle: Bookcase, 2002)
Torgerson, Beth. “Representing Illness: Competing Discourses and Harriet Martineau’s Life in the Sick-Room and Autobiography.” Victorians: A Journal of Literature and Culture, no. 135, Summer 2019, pp. 13-27.
Warren, John. ‘Harriet Martineau and the Concept of Community: Deerbrook and Ambleside’, Journal of Victorian Culture. 13, 2 Autumn 2008, 223-46.
Warren, John. ‘Harriet Martineau and Anti-Catholicsm’, Recusant History. 29, 2 Oct 2008, 204-13.
Webb, Robert K. Harriet Martineau: A Radical Victorian. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1960).
Weiner, Gaby, Controversies and Contradictions: approaches to the study of Harriet Martineau (1802-76), doctoral dissertation, Open University. (1991).
Weiner, Gaby, Introduction to volumes 1 & 2. reprint of Harriet Martineau’s Autobiography. (London: Virago, ix-xx, ix-xii., 1983).
Weiner, Gaby, Introduction to reprint of Deerbrook (by Harriet Martineau). (London: Virago, vii-xv. ,1983).