Women Philosophers in Nineteenth-Century Britain by Alison Stone looks at the ideas of twelve women philosophers on topics including naturalism, the mind, history, morality, and evolution. Two of these women, Harriet Martineau and Frances Power Cobbe, run through the whole book, because they were central to so many debates. The book includes discussion of Martineau’s publishing career and strategies for doing philosophy, her early philosophical thought in the 1820s, the Letters on the Laws of Man’s Nature and Development, herAutobiography, her version of positivism, the development of her thought about religion, and her account of progress in history in Eastern Life: Present and Past. The book explores Martineau’s influence on many other women including Ada Lovelace, Julia Wedgwood, and George Eliot, and more broadly highlights the huge intellectual influence that Martineau had in this period.

Further information about the book can be found at https://www.amazon.co.uk/Women-Philosophers-Nineteenth-Century-Britain-Alison/dp/0192874713/ref=sr_1_1?crid=372BELVCQERN0&keywords=women+philosophers+alison+stone&qid=1671552828&sprefix=women+philosophers+alison+stoneaps86&sr=8-1